Sponsors, Partnerships, Friends and Associates

Thanks to the sponsors, partnerships, friends and associates. These are the organisations/people that sponsor,
support and encourage. For those who without them a lot of this would not be possible. Sponsoring, organising
and doing supportive work during exhibitions and other events. These people are key to the success of Kent Galleries.
We thank you all and hope to work with you again in the future. See the honour roll below:

Lorenzo Chinnici

Lorenzo Chinnici

The master artist, a friend and peer…


William Kent

Art Promotor / Event Organiser / Art Salesman

Art In Your Heart

Art-in-your-heart GalleryGeneva/Switzerland
Romuald REBER
Tel: +41 79 476 09 26
Email: romuald.reber@bluewin.ch

Eye2Eye Images Photography

Eye2Eye Images Photography



This Website was built and is maintained by WebAlchemyLab

Silvia Pampallona

Event photographer at The Synergy of Sons Milan, Italy 2015

